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75. Finding Snowfall Avenue

Theodore Bear wondered what to do next. "If you don't know something the best thing to do is to ask somebody who does," he said to himself and buckled up his back pack, picked up his walking cane and went over to the counter marked DIRECTIONS.  "Good afternoon, Lady, can you please tell me how to get to Snowfall Avenue?"  "Certainly," she replied, "first street to the left and then third to the right as you leave the station."  Theodore thanked her and set off.  The sun was slipping behind the mountains in the distance so he walked quickly, rubbing his paws to keep warm. Soon he saw the street sign showing Snowfall Avenue and turned the corner, watching for number 17. "Oh, here it is. This must be where Frederick Bear lives," Theodore told himself and walked up the gravel path to the front door.  He tapped a few times with the shiny brass knocker and waited.


Finding Charm said...

I hope he's home!!!

TG Bears said...

LOL - let's hope so. Imagine poor Theodore's disappointment if he would not be.

Ladydragonfly1958 said...

I love reading these little stories and I adore your bears. I have given you an award. Please get it here.


TG Bears said...

Thank you so much Julie!

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