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181. Theodore's Voyage

Theodore smiled to himself.  "My first voyage," he said to Cassandra and they laughed together.  He looked at all the other boats again and took note of the tall pillar with the flashing light on top at the end of the harbor wall.  The ship began to pick up speed and he watched as it slipped through the harbor entrance to sail out onto the lake.  He could feel the cool breeze blowing gently past his face and saw a fish jump up out of the  water to catch a dragon fly.  George Bear said he would like to walk around to to see the little waves spread out on the sides and behind the ship and they all went with him.  They had a lovely view of the city with the tall skyscrapers, the bridges, the trees and the big ocean-going ships in the main harbor where the powerful cranes were turning back and forth as they unloaded the cargo.  "This is wonderful," said Theodore, "and one hardly feels that you are moving when the ship is sailing so smoothly."

The Invitation

After a while Cassandra said, "Would you mind if we went downstairs now to the closed deck? I am feeling a bit chilly.  We can have our fruit juice there too."  Here the groups of four chairs were set around tables at the windows. They found good seats and soon a waiter came.  Cassandra took out the tickets with VIP written on them and the waiter smiled.  "Why, hello," he said, "hmm, Very Important Passengers. Yes, we do not have bears on board every day," and he named all the various juices they could choose from.  "I can hardly make up my mind," said Jeffrey but decided on a  ripe blackberry juice. The waiter brought tall glasses of juice and then he said, "The Captain heard that you are on board and he would like you to come up to the bridge to meet him."  "Oh, that would  be wonderful," said Cassandra, "my surprise is going to be even more special. Will you please show us the way afterwards?"  "Certainly, Ma'am," replied the waiter, "wave to me when you are ready."


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